Low Level Laser Therapy
A safe, effective, non-invasive treatment in the fight against Sinusitis
August 10, 2107 by Hilary Lex
How blessed are we in Sydney to be able to experience the changing of the seasons in all their glory! The sweltering heat and fun of the beach in summer; the beauty of the trees changing colour in autumn; the shorter days and cold, crisp nights of winter; followed by the expansion and awakening of new life that heralds the beginning of spring.
Unfortunately for many the warmer weather and longer days are often marred by the re-introduction of seasonal allergies. For chronic hay fever sufferers spring can mean waking up in the morning feeling tired and headachy. Spring can mean blocked ears, blocked nose, and itchy eyes. Spring can mean the inability to stop sneezing. For hay fever sufferers nasal sprays, decongestants, analgesics and/or anti-histamines become their constant companion as they try to find ways to help them just get through the day. These companions might give some temporary relief, however the next day, allergy sufferers wake up with the same symptoms as yesterday, reaching again for something to offer relief enabling them to get through another day…. and so the cycle continues! Around them, others are feeling more energised and coming out of their winter hibernation with renewed energy…oh dear, allergy sufferers may feel that life’s just not fair!
All of these classic symptoms of hay fever are a sign that the immune system has gone into battle mode in an attempt to try and clear the condition. Traditional allergy treatments may help to alleviate the symptoms, however they do nothing to address the underlying cause or assist the body in repairing the affected areas.
At the forefront of non-invasive therapies in the treatment of sinus conditions that support, rather than hinder the immune system is Low Level Laser Therapy, also known as Cold Laser Therapy. Low Level Laser Therapy is a safe, effective, painless, drug free solution that offers people a natural solution to sinusitis and the other symptoms associated with hay fever.
Treating the affected areas with Low Level Laser Therapy assists in the reduction of pain and inflammation, giving, in some cases, instant relief to the patient. It triggers a reaction in the mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) to produce more energy, stimulating the body’s immune response, and increasing blood supply to the affected area. By ‘waking up’ the powerhouse of the cell, the great thing is that the body will continue to respond and heal even after the treatment is complete, targeting the underlying cause of the condition to promote healing, which means that the results are effective and long lasting J!
With only a month to go, boost your energy levels and prepare yourself for spring!
Book 4 appointments and only pay for 3.
Call us today on 02 9999 1680 to make an appointment